We can’t wait welcome all the gymnasts back to their classes from Monday 10th onwards.
To ensure the safety of all participants please can we remind all parents / carers on the importance of adhering to the latest Covid guidance for a safe return to the gym.
*Any gymnasts who are showing any symptoms of Covid 19 must not attend their class and we would ask if unwell and not Covid related, they also do not attend training to prevent the spread of other viruses.
*Over 12’s must wear a face covering to enter and leave the venue and when using public areas such as reception, changing rooms and toilets (unless exempt)
*Parents / carers please maintain a 1m distance from each other during drop off and pick up, avoid congregating in groups when waiting outside and wear a mask at all times unless exempt.
*Gymnasts will continue to be asked to ensure they hand sanitise at the start and end of class and when moving between areas and apparatus within the gym
The club and coaching team will continue to wear face coverings, test prior to shift and adhere to social distancing, whilst maintaining our strict cleaning regime within the gym. This will ensure we help reduce the risk of transmission within the gym environment and in line with the government and Scottish Gymnastics guidance.